Cracking open the “funnies” file

On my desktop sits a folder called “funnies.” Some of its contents date back to the earliest days of the internet, so I no longer remember their source.

The internet circa 1973. I had a lot fewer bookmarks back then.

But no matter: Whenever I’m having a rough day, the “funnies” file always brings a smile. I hope these selected nuggets will bring a laugh your way today, too.

Let’s start with a follow-up to my most recent post, about the importance of saying “I love you.” ICH LIEBE DICH!!! Because life is short. And terrifying.


Speaking of languages … English isn’t always a stroll in the park, either.

english-loose-grammar-blogThe breadth of our borrowed vocabulary can lead to some pretty funny auto-corrects, like these helpful suggestions from my email at work:


And let us not overlook the power of a single misplaced letter …




Yes, this mess we’re in is all your fault, you satin worshipers. Darn you to heck!

Not to mention how a news story can change when you append the byline to the headline:


Remember …

Another category in my funnies file is “signs of the times.” These are fairly self-explanatory so I will provide them without further comment.

OK, I lied. I *have* to comment. THIS is why we always hit “preview,” folks. Always! Yikes.


And this is why you should always hire a pro to illustrate your drowning signs, LOL.
Umm … thanks for the encouragement, but no thanks.

Then there is the category of “infographics and charts.”



I also have a subcategory of Beatles-related infographics. Like this one that quantifies the historical concentration of localized troubles in Yesterday:


And for anyone who has gotten stuck in an infinite loop while singing Hey Jude, finally there is help:



And let us not forget IKEA! If you have ever attempted assembling something from the jolly Swedish giant you will appreciate these instructions for building a HËNJ. Notice that it calls for 10,000 people, though, so maybe recruit some friends on Facebook before you unpack it.


Speaking of Facebook: Here’s a post from a friend that really made me laugh. I haven’t had arms like that since I was in my 20s!

unrealistic-body-image-blogAnd then there is Facebook itself, with its suggestion that I tag a planter as one of my friends.

facebook-tagging-fail-blogfacebook-tagging-fail-detail-blogFacebook also flunked geography in placing some photos from Cancun, Mexico just off the African coast. (Though in all fairness maybe Cancun *used* to be there before Pangaea broke up.)


The funnies folder also has a few things created by yours truly for the amusement of her friends, such as this manufactured Mac dialog box …


… this birthday greeting for a yogi pal …


… and this disturbing image of my husband as a youth, thanks to a malfunctioning scanner. Ironically, he really did grow up to be that tall.


And the rest of the folder, you ask? The rest of it is filled with assorted, random treasures I’ve collected over the years.








Well, that’s about enough for today. Thanks for stopping by, and cheers to you from fair  Llanfairpwllgwyngwllgogerychwyrndrobwyllllatysiliogogogoch!



    • Saving these things is probably silly, J. P., because there’s so much funny stuff in all corners of the internet (and also, bookmarks). But on the plus side, thumbing through that folder today sure did cheer me up. Just like your kind comment! Thank you for stopping by.

  1. (Sorry .. ) a solution for the Beatles’song: Hey Jude. Hopefully I will stop singing the same lines again and again like a tired disc. And my husband will stop telling me to find another song to sing… Cheers 😘

    • I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets stuck on a single line of that song (or even just the chorus!). It’s also kind of fun to think that I’m now humming the same song in my head as someone halfway across the world. 🙂 In spite of all the sad news, we live in a pretty amazing age.

  2. These are great–and such timing. I saw a sign today, in front of a home,advertising purebread puppies. 🙂

    • There are so many important things happening right now that need our attention that posting this felt a bit trite, Alys … but the response tells me that we all needed a little break from the heaviness. I’m glad it hit the spot for you, too. Cheers from your friend in Minnecanada! 😀

    • I’m so glad this post inspired you to start curating your own Tanya’s Museum of Levity! 🙂 Thank you for stopping by, and for taking the time to leave your kind comment.

      • I was sat in a cafe in Bangkok reading it and the waitress thought I’d lost it with all the lolling. The biggest lol came from the lol sign incidentally.

          • Aye! Although the modern age is also distractionville for this freelance writer haha. Oh well, it’s fine on balance. Look me up if you’re ever here I gots tips.

    • Weren’t the Dr. Seuss ones oddly appropriate for these strange times, Patti? I’m so glad they brought a bit of levity.

  3. I started out intending to pick a favorite but there were far too many good ones. Funny typos do inhabit a special place in my heart, though. So I enjoyed the lot of those, the best. Have a good week. Hope you’re feeling better.

    • So you’re a lover of typos, are you? Duly noted — I may have to do a typos-only post just for you! And thank you for your kind wishes too, Jason. Happy to report I’m back to firing on all two cylinders. 🙂 as always, thank you for stopping by; hearing from you always brightens my day.

  4. Your two Facebook fails caused commotion in the library when I laughed out loud 🙂
    Welcome back to blogging 🙂 I figured the electrons were frozen in the wires in the never-ending Minnesota winter 😀

    • Thank you so much for your kind note, Jeff — it’s wonderful to hear from you, and wonderfuller still to imagine you laughing like a crazy person at the library. It is indeed good to be back to blogging … so expect some more comments on your blog soon, too! Cheers!

  5. I went to a Paul McCartney concert in Liverpool in 2008 at the football ground – so I can confirm your schematic nailed the na na na thing- it’s infinite! (Afterwards there was a video online of people at the train station all singing it – proof!). Thanks for a jolly good giggle.

    • There’s something really wonderful about a group of people singing spontaneously and in unison, isn’t there? I’m so glad to have brought you a jolly good giggle — and some fond memories, too!

  6. Love the word play, visuals, and fabulous errors! Too many good ones, but Dillard’s special appearance by Satan for the kids got me pretty good ; p Thanks for numerous smiles!

    • I especially liked the Dillard’s typo too: There’s a kind of yin-and-yang appeal to having Satan show up at Christmas, isn’t there? Even the Bible says that there can’t be light without darkness. Spirituality and metaphysics aside, I’m so glad these typos and clever visuals brought a few smiles, Lara! 🙂

      • Well-said =P How can one understand light without having experience of darkness? And Satan or Santa, meh – two guys in red suits, you know. Maybe Santa was booked that day and Dillard’s really did have to take Satan. They’re probably signed up with the same employment agency. I’m having a visual of them grabbing beers together after gigs.

    • Wow, that’s quite a compliment! Though I believe the credit goes to all the people who made the funny typos and hilarious infographics. 😀 Thank you for stopping by!

  7. Hi! I’m starting a blog of my own and I would love if I could get some tips for blogging. Maybe you could put it in your next post? 🙂

    • How lovely to meet a kindred soul! I tried to share a variety of things from my “funnies file” in this post, but the truth is the bulk of my funnies are grammar-related. (And I don’t care if that makes me a dork.) Thank you for stopping by!

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